The study of policy, including the methods of policy analysis, has been among the most rapidly developing fields in the social sciences over the past several decades. It is an applied social science discipline which uses multiple methods of inquiry that arguments, produce and transform policy relevant information that may be utilised in political settings to resolve policy problems. The emergence of Policy analysis is to influence both better understanding of policy making process and to supply policy decision makers with reliable policy relevant knowledge about pressing economic and social problems. It also serve as a powerful tool for improving the effectiveness of Governance, bridging the traditional concerns of politics and economics which focuses on how power and resources are distributed and contested in the public domain that have implications on development outcomes in terms of good governance, economic growth and service delivery. The dearth in policy analysis by researchers, scholars and policy makers to informed policy direction and focuse necessitated for increase expertise in the field of policy analysis to solve twenty-first century problems in Nigeria and the Continent as a whole.
The Department of Governance and Public Policy (DGPP) Centre for Strategic Research and Studies (CSRS), National Defence College (NDC) engages in clinical analysis of Government policies and rigorous research cum training in diverse areas bordering on Defence Policy, Comparative Public Administration, Good Governance and other areas related to election security and Management matters in Nigeria and the Region as a whole. Based on this mandate of the Department and given the current realities bedeviling the Country and the Region, the Department delivers on its mandate through Research, capacity building, Roundtable, Symposium, Conferences, Seminars, Town Hall conversation on wide range of issues. The Department is open for engagements with International and Regional Organizations, Professional bodies, Ministries and Department of Government Agencies (MDAs) and the General Public in solving myriads of problems confronting the Country, Region and the world at large.