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Lecture on Strategic Leadership: My Experience By Air Chief Marshal Oluseyi PETIRIN (rtd.) – 7 February 2020

Take advantage of the experiential-learning opportunities built into many programs.

One of the Participants of NDC Course 28 posing a question during interractive sesion

Cross Section of Participants during the Lecture

Air Chief Marshal Petirin (rtd) during the interractive session

Air Chief Marshal Oluseyi PETIRIN (rtd.) during the interractive session

Cross-setion of Paticipant of NDC Course 28 during the Lecture

Commandant engaged in a chat with Air Chief Marshal Petirin and Amb. Wigwe, Provost CSRS

Air Chief Marshal Petirin (rtd) signing the Guest Register in Commandant's office

Air Chief Marshal Petirin (rtd) delivering his lecture

Air Chief Marhal Petirin and the Commandant, Real Admiral MM Kadiri