National Defence College Course 32 participants embarked on Geo Strategic World Study Tour of selected countries
The National Defence College Course 32 participants have embarked on Geo Strategic World Study Tour of selected countries around the world as part of their academic programme. The tour which is scheduled from 13-27 April 2024 will see the participants and staff visiting 17 selected countries to carry out research and draw relevant lessons. The selected countries for the tour are: Botswana, China, Cote D’Ivoire, Czech Republic, Estwatini, Fiji, Gambia, Germany, Guyana, Jamaica, Jordan, Mexico, New Zealand, Phillipines, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Turkey.

As part of the tour, the Commandant of the College, Rear Admiral Olumuyiwa Olotu with members of Team 3, this Monday visited the Centre for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN) Madrid, Spain. Admiral Olotu was received on arrival at the CESEDEN by the Commandant Major General Guillen. Lectures were presented by very senior officers of the Spanish Ministry of Defence and the CESEDEN on the Military Education Training System, the Defence Policy and the Defence Planning Process of Spain. Interactive sessions were also held where relevant questions, comments and contributions were made.