Observing The ICRC Day
The College today hosted the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Nigeria Delegation, who as part of the ICRC Day Celebration, were in the College to provide participants with in-depth knowledge of the ICRC and its activities.

As peacekeepers, participants were reminded of their legal status and obligation to the adherence of International Human Right Laws (IHRL) and International Humanitarian Laws (IHL) when deployed on Peace Support Operations (PSO). Depending on mission mandate, peacekeepers are deployed under Chapter VI or VII of United Nations Resolution as non-party or party to a conflict and would be guided by IHRL or IHL respectively as applicable.
Because the use of force has consequences such as political and humanitarian impacts, it behoves on military personnel to adhere to the Rules of Engagement (ROE) when deployed on PSO. Today’s lectures and follow-up interactive session were in fulfilment of Module 8 of the Higher Defence Management Course, which focuses on PSO. Members of the visiting ICRC Nigeria Delegation included: Mr Yann Bonzon, who led the delegation; Mr Bruno Raymond, Protection Coordinator, ICRC Nigeria; Col Olivier Chaleroux (retired), Ms Akpa Eleojo and Mrs Bianca Ogbu.